Friday, June 28, 2019

Intensifying Concern / Reveal Emotion

Intensifying Concern

  1. Really concerned about girls trafficking.  
  2. Rather concerned
  3. Quite concerned
  4. Very concerned
  5. Extremely concerned

  1. I'm concerned about
  2. I'm worried about 
  3. I'm main concern is that 
  4. I'm afraid that 
Emotional Intensify 

Very concerned 
Extremely worried

Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Punctuation Mark - Ellipses (...)

Ellipsis=singular (....)
Ellipses= pular 

An ellipses is a punctuation mark made up of three dots. 
Ellipses save space or remove material that is less relevant. 
Use an ellipsis when omitting a word, phrase, line, paragraph, or more from a quoted passage.

Determining Point of View - Subjective and Objective Reading strategy

Some reading are Subjective and some are Objective.

Objective: All sides of all issue: writer does not include but, instead , gives equal weight to all sides of an issue. (such as textbook chapter or newspaper articles). 
 can be prove 

Subjective: Own opinion  : writer expresses his/her opinion. You have to determine writer's point of view and choice of adjectives such as ( such as good , bad, interesting, boring, beautiful, ugly)
can't be prove

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Guidelines for Writing a Summary

Apply the steps for each section. 

  • Find the most important information that tells what the paragraph of group or paragraphs is about.
  • Use this information to write a topic sentence. 
  • Fine 2-3 main idea and important details that support your topic sentence and show how they are related. 
  • Keep the ideas and facts in a logical order that expands on your topic sentence. 
  • Combine several term for lists of items or events.
  • Do not include unimportant or minor events.
  • Do not repeat information. 
  • Write the summary in your own words- do not copy information directly from the text.
Summary writing is the process of reading a text, identifying the main ideas, and then describing those ideas in your own words. A summary should be brief and include only important ideas or information from the text. Summaries should not include examples or reputations. Summarizing helps you understand and remember information you read.


  • Topic sentence: a) Topic sentence 
  • Main idea : a) Detail b) Detail
  • Main idea : a) Detail b) Detail
  • Main idea : a) Detail b) Detail
  • Concluding sentence 

Besic Literary Terms- How to write story

  1. Characterization: The author's introduction of characters and developing their personalities for the reader. 
  2. Climex:   Turning Point of the action.
  3. Conflict: Struggle between opposing forces, usually resolved at the end.
  4. Dialogue: Conversation between characters.
  5. Nattator: The voice or implied speaker of the fictional work (not the author)
  6. Plot: The story line and how it is Presented 
  7. Point if view: vision from which a story is narrated.
  • First person: story is marred by one person at a tine, speaking for or about themselves (I or We)
  • Third person : Most common view used for fiction and it the traditional form for academic writing- someone else is telling the story. ( He, She or It)
      8. Theme: The idea of the piece of writing. 

Synthesizing and Applying Information

 1. Synthesize- put together information from different reading.
2. Apply- make connections to a new situation.  (making connections  between sources)


Venn Diagramm =
Note taking chart = main idea, important details, and examples.

  • Useful study tool.
  • Used to record information = 1main ideas, 2. important details 3. Examples
  • Chart is one type of graphic organizer.