Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Besic Literary Terms- How to write story

  1. Characterization: The author's introduction of characters and developing their personalities for the reader. 
  2. Climex:   Turning Point of the action.
  3. Conflict: Struggle between opposing forces, usually resolved at the end.
  4. Dialogue: Conversation between characters.
  5. Nattator: The voice or implied speaker of the fictional work (not the author)
  6. Plot: The story line and how it is Presented 
  7. Point if view: vision from which a story is narrated.
  • First person: story is marred by one person at a tine, speaking for or about themselves (I or We)
  • Third person : Most common view used for fiction and it the traditional form for academic writing- someone else is telling the story. ( He, She or It)
      8. Theme: The idea of the piece of writing. 

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