Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Narrative Essay : How to write narrative essay?

                         It differs from a simple story.

What is a Narrative Essay? 

  • A narrative is a story.
  • A narrative essay is a story that has specific point 
  1. A narrative essay strives to teach a lesson or 
  2. a narrative essay strives to make a specific point 
  3. a narrative essay is not a diary entry - the story is linked to the purpose of the essay. 
What shout be included in a narrative essay ?
  • Often written in 1st person -I or We- because it is based on a personal story. 
  • Can also be written in 3rd person 
  • Can Never be written in 2nd person
  • has specific sensory details to get the reader hooked on the story. 
  • is developed in chronological order 
  • has verbs and sescriptions that help paint a picture and draw in the reader. 
What Else does the Narrative Essay need? 
  • Since this is a story, the narrative essay needs everything a story needs(these are known as the story elements):
  1. Has a plot 
  2. Has characters
  3. Has a conflict 
  4. Has a climax
  5. Often uses dialogue
Elements of a story
  • Characters: People , animals, or imaginary creaturs in a story, play, or another literary work
  • Setting: The time and place of a story.
  • Plot: the chain of related events that explains to us what happens in a story.(includes a conflict: A struggle between two opposing characters or forces)
  • Theme: The general idea or message about life that is revealed through a work of literature. 
Plot and the Plot Diagram
  • Plot is the series of events in a story that explain to the reader what is happening.One of the easiest ways to understand plot is to look at the mountain shaped plot diagram and think of story in terms of climbing a mountain.

image of plot diagram labled with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
Stage one - Exposition
This where the author sets up the story including characters, setting, and main conflicts.

Stage two - Plot: Rising Action.
The Rising Action occurs as you begin to move throughout the story. this is where conflicts start to build just like when you climb a mountain you are moving further alone.

Stage three - Plot: Climax
The climax is the turning point of the story. you have reached the top of the mountain and you cannot go any further, you have t o turn and go down, This point in the story is when things finally start to move in a different direction and it may not always be a positive direction.

Stage four- Pl:Falling Action
Falling action occurs after the climax as things start to work themselves out in the story. You are coming down the mountain just as you are coming down from the excitement of the story's climax.

Stage five- Plot:Resolution
The Resolution is the solution to the problem as you have reached the bottom of the mountain. The solution might not be what you want, but the conflict has been resolved.

When will I Use Narrative Essays?

  • A narrative essay tells a simple story 
  • A narrative essay is not a deeply thought out synthesis, so this essay form should be used sparingly for college courses unless it is specifically assigned.
Planning the Narrative Essay
  1. Write a thesis statement, just as with any other essay.
  2. Brainstorm from personal story or observation that illustrates or proves the thesis statement. 
  3. outline or web the important part of the story to be told.
  4. write an introductory paragraph that includes a hook, connecting/background information, and the thesis statement, and then write the story.
  5. Because this is a story, use as many paragraphs as necessary to tell the story.
  6. Write the conclusion that reflects on the thesis statement. 

Start with a Thesis Statement:

  • The thesis will depend upon the story to be proven.
  • The thesis can be something general in the case of a narrative essay.

Adapted from
Catheirne Wishart, Burlington County college


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