Monday, February 2, 2015

Onomatopoeic Words

Onomatopoeia = on-o-mat-o-poe-ia = noun

Onomatopoeia means the use of words that sound like the thing that they are describing, such as "boom" or  "murmur" or "meow"

  • sizzle = make a hissing sound like something cooking in fat
  • trickle = flow slowly in a thin stream or in drops.
  • clash = make a loud and confused noise as when metal objects strike together.
  • clip-clop=  horses go clip-clop on the road.
  • smash = break violently into small pieces.
  • flutter= birds and insects flutter its wings. Its wings move quickly and lightly up and down. example flag flutters in the wind. sometimes your heart flutter when you excited.
  • giggle = laugh lightly
  • crackle= sharp sound 
  • wriggle = to twist from side to side with small quick movements or to move part of your body.                (wring out= tightly twist wet clothes remove water from clothes or paper)
  • growl = 1.deep angry sounds , most of the animals growl.                                                                           2. to say something in a low angry voice. she growled "stop there!"  
  • drizzle = light raining     
  • squirt = If you squirt liquid , it goes very forcefully out of a narrow hole in a thin stream.           
  • buzz = 

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