Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Five Paragraph Eassay

How to organize five-paragraphs essay.


  • Hook (A hook include the interesting sentence that helps attract reader attention. It is also called interesting opener)
  • Background information (Background information follow the hook and gives more information about topic. )
  • Thesis statement ( Thesis statement usually comes at the end of the introduction. It tells about what the essay is about and has a controlling idea. In five-paragraph essay usually it has three controlling ideas which will be discuss in three body paragraphs separately)

Body Paragraph ( It includes topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentences.)

  • Topic sentence (what the entire paragraph is about) with controlling idea that is in thesis statement. 
  •  It has supporting details  which can be description, anecdotes, examples, statistics, quotations, definitions
  • concluding sentence. 


  • Conclusion would not lengthy as much as body paragraph but, would be three to five sentences.
  • restate the thesis statement
  • advise 
  • make a prediction or ask a questions
  • insights (discovering ideas through writing the essay)

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