Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Narrative Essay : How to write narrative essay?

                         It differs from a simple story.

What is a Narrative Essay? 

  • A narrative is a story.
  • A narrative essay is a story that has specific point 
  1. A narrative essay strives to teach a lesson or 
  2. a narrative essay strives to make a specific point 
  3. a narrative essay is not a diary entry - the story is linked to the purpose of the essay. 
What shout be included in a narrative essay ?
  • Often written in 1st person -I or We- because it is based on a personal story. 
  • Can also be written in 3rd person 
  • Can Never be written in 2nd person
  • has specific sensory details to get the reader hooked on the story. 
  • is developed in chronological order 
  • has verbs and sescriptions that help paint a picture and draw in the reader. 
What Else does the Narrative Essay need? 
  • Since this is a story, the narrative essay needs everything a story needs(these are known as the story elements):
  1. Has a plot 
  2. Has characters
  3. Has a conflict 
  4. Has a climax
  5. Often uses dialogue
Elements of a story
  • Characters: People , animals, or imaginary creaturs in a story, play, or another literary work
  • Setting: The time and place of a story.
  • Plot: the chain of related events that explains to us what happens in a story.(includes a conflict: A struggle between two opposing characters or forces)
  • Theme: The general idea or message about life that is revealed through a work of literature. 
Plot and the Plot Diagram
  • Plot is the series of events in a story that explain to the reader what is happening.One of the easiest ways to understand plot is to look at the mountain shaped plot diagram and think of story in terms of climbing a mountain.

image of plot diagram labled with exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, and resolution
Stage one - Exposition
This where the author sets up the story including characters, setting, and main conflicts.

Stage two - Plot: Rising Action.
The Rising Action occurs as you begin to move throughout the story. this is where conflicts start to build just like when you climb a mountain you are moving further alone.

Stage three - Plot: Climax
The climax is the turning point of the story. you have reached the top of the mountain and you cannot go any further, you have t o turn and go down, This point in the story is when things finally start to move in a different direction and it may not always be a positive direction.

Stage four- Pl:Falling Action
Falling action occurs after the climax as things start to work themselves out in the story. You are coming down the mountain just as you are coming down from the excitement of the story's climax.

Stage five- Plot:Resolution
The Resolution is the solution to the problem as you have reached the bottom of the mountain. The solution might not be what you want, but the conflict has been resolved.

When will I Use Narrative Essays?

  • A narrative essay tells a simple story 
  • A narrative essay is not a deeply thought out synthesis, so this essay form should be used sparingly for college courses unless it is specifically assigned.
Planning the Narrative Essay
  1. Write a thesis statement, just as with any other essay.
  2. Brainstorm from personal story or observation that illustrates or proves the thesis statement. 
  3. outline or web the important part of the story to be told.
  4. write an introductory paragraph that includes a hook, connecting/background information, and the thesis statement, and then write the story.
  5. Because this is a story, use as many paragraphs as necessary to tell the story.
  6. Write the conclusion that reflects on the thesis statement. 

Start with a Thesis Statement:

  • The thesis will depend upon the story to be proven.
  • The thesis can be something general in the case of a narrative essay.

Adapted from
Catheirne Wishart, Burlington County college


Tuesday, February 24, 2015


A appositive is a noun, noun phrase, or a noun clause that comes after the another noun  to describe another way.
For example
John, my best friend, talked about his study.
Our English teacher, Kerry, will not come tomorrow.  OR
Kerry, our English teacher, will not come tomorrow.

Appositive Adjectives : An appositive adjective immediately comes after noun and noun phrase to clarify it or adding more information.
For example
Sapana, helpful girl, got scholarship in Chicago University.
Sapana, who is working in State Farm Insurance Company, got scholarship in Chicago University.

Monday, February 23, 2015


  1. The period 
  2. The question mark
  3. The exclamation mark
  4. The comma 
  5. The semicolon
  6. The colon 
  7. Parentheses 
  8. The dash 
  9. Quotation Marks
  10. The hyphen    
  • Use hyphen between fraction : two-third
  • Use hyphen between number from twenty-one through twenty-nine 
  • Use hyphen after ex-,self-, pre-, post-, all- : ex-wife, pre-paid, post-paid. all-rounded, self-reliance. 
  • Use hyphen to link compound nouns: father-in-law, 
  1. The apostrophe

Indefinite Pronoun

Indefinite Pronoun


        Always Plural

For Example:
Both of them are perfect for me,
Several people got their citizens. 


no one
many a


always singular

For example:
Everyone is ready to watch movie. 
nothing was there. 

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Too and Enough in Grammar

We use too and enough to indicate the degree. 

Too indicate the more than sufficient.

Too + adjective /adverb+ infinitive

We use Too to describe bad or negative things. 

Too much + uncountable noun (sugar, liquid, unseen noun, idea)
Too many + countable noun

 Note: A lot of can use both countable and uncountable noun.

Enough is the opposite of too.
Pattern 1

adjective/adverb + enough + infinitive
My brother old enough to get license.
He is good enough to marry. 
She speak loudly enough to get attention. 

In Negative form
not + adjective/adverb + enough 
I know we are not old enough to get pass.

Pattern 2
enough + noun + infinitive
 I have enough money to buy car.
I have enough documents to get scholarship.

In Negative form 
not + enough + noun
We don't have enough student to go field trip. 

Split Infinitive

Split infinitive are not grammatically incorrect but we need to avoid in formal writing and speaking.


  • to swim
  • to run 
  • to cook
I have to quickly cook, I will be late.(Not this)
I have to cook quickly, I will be late (But this)

I want to well do my homework.(Not this)
I want to do my homework well.(But this)

Not This, But This

Not This : She convinced me to stay here.
But This : She persuaded me to stay here.

Not This : In the beginning , she does not know who done it.
But This : In the beginning , she does not know who did it.

Not This : Enjoy
But This : Enjoy your work.

Not This : Unless and until you return my money.
But This : Unless(or until) you return my money.

Not This : A fun trip.
But This : An enjoyable trip.

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Key words to understand the instructions and directions.

We can use following steps to explain directions and instructions: 
  1. First 
  2. Next 
  3. Then 
  4. After 
  5. Now 
  6. Soon 
  7. Last 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Five Paragraph Eassay

How to organize five-paragraphs essay.


  • Hook (A hook include the interesting sentence that helps attract reader attention. It is also called interesting opener)
  • Background information (Background information follow the hook and gives more information about topic. )
  • Thesis statement ( Thesis statement usually comes at the end of the introduction. It tells about what the essay is about and has a controlling idea. In five-paragraph essay usually it has three controlling ideas which will be discuss in three body paragraphs separately)

Body Paragraph ( It includes topic sentence, supporting details, and concluding sentences.)

  • Topic sentence (what the entire paragraph is about) with controlling idea that is in thesis statement. 
  •  It has supporting details  which can be description, anecdotes, examples, statistics, quotations, definitions
  • concluding sentence. 


  • Conclusion would not lengthy as much as body paragraph but, would be three to five sentences.
  • restate the thesis statement
  • advise 
  • make a prediction or ask a questions
  • insights (discovering ideas through writing the essay)

Phrasal Verb

  •  to carried on = to continue 
  • to come across= to meet someone or find something by chance 
  • to get over = to forget about = I will get over her.
  • to look after = to take care of = If I were you, I would look after myself

  • to get back together= to become a couple again= reconcile
  • to get on with= to have smooth relations with the person
  • to look froward to = to think of future event with pleasure= I am looking forward to see next class on Friday. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

Onomatopoeic Words

Onomatopoeia = on-o-mat-o-poe-ia = noun

Onomatopoeia means the use of words that sound like the thing that they are describing, such as "boom" or  "murmur" or "meow"

  • sizzle = make a hissing sound like something cooking in fat
  • trickle = flow slowly in a thin stream or in drops.
  • clash = make a loud and confused noise as when metal objects strike together.
  • clip-clop=  horses go clip-clop on the road.
  • smash = break violently into small pieces.
  • flutter= birds and insects flutter its wings. Its wings move quickly and lightly up and down. example flag flutters in the wind. sometimes your heart flutter when you excited.
  • giggle = laugh lightly
  • crackle= sharp sound 
  • wriggle = to twist from side to side with small quick movements or to move part of your body.                (wring out= tightly twist wet clothes remove water from clothes or paper)
  • growl = 1.deep angry sounds , most of the animals growl.                                                                           2. to say something in a low angry voice. she growled "stop there!"  
  • drizzle = light raining     
  • squirt = If you squirt liquid , it goes very forcefully out of a narrow hole in a thin stream.           
  • buzz = 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Conjunctive Adverb

- connect two main clauses.
- it shows the contrast, sequence, cause and effect, and other relationship.
  • according 
  • also 
  • anyhow 
  • besides
  • consequently
  • finally
  • furthermore
  • for example
  • hence
  • however
  • indeed
  • in addition
  • in fact
  • likewise
  • moreover
  • meanwhile
  • namely
  • nevertheless
  • still 
  • similarly 
  • then 
  • therefore

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

How to use just, ever, always, never, and yet?

We use just, ever, already ,never, and yet in present perfect tense?

Position of sentence  
They have just gone.
Have you ever been there?
Rita has already gone.
I have never seen them.

I have not finished yet. ( yet comes after the past participle)

Note: I have
          he/ she/it  has
         we/ they have

I have been to Chicago three times (you can add the number of times at the end of the sentence)
I have been to California (you had have experience being in California)

To make negative
has/ have + not + past participle

I haven't finished my homework.
she hasn't got her  book yet.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Vocabulary List

Frail (adjective)
 1.thin and weak, especially because of being old.
  Old man has a frail body.
 Synonyms : weak, delicate

2. easily damage and broken = fragile
 every glass item is fragile.

Adjective= frail  frailer  frailest
Adverb=  frailly
Noun =  frailness

Corrode (verb
1.destroyed gradually =   His behavior corroded himself.
                                       The acid corroded the plastic.
corrosion (noun)
Corrosive (adjective)= cor-ro-sive
 1. a corrosive substance is a kind of acid can destroy metal, plastic, human body, etc.
2.sharply sarcastic = corrosive comments.

Moderate(adjective): not too much, not too little = Medium, average; My office boss has moderate view over politics.
Moderately (adverb) = Our player are playing moderately.
Moderate (verb)= to reduce
Moderation (noun)=

Vague (adjective)= not clear; ambiguous , unclear
Vaguely (adverb)
Vagueness (noun)

Acknowledge ( verb ) = recognize
Acknowledgement (noun)
Acknowledged (adjective)

Enrich (verb)= enhance to make something greater value.
Enrichment (noun)
Enriching (adjective)

Ongoing (adjective)= continuing/ current
Doing research is ongoing process in every company.

Vibrant (adj)= bright; powerful or brilliant
vibrance (noun)
vibrantly (adv)

Lasting (adj)= enduring or forever


1, We use every with a large number 
  • Every student dressed up well. 

2. Every use in how often something happen
  •      I brush my teeth every day,
  •      I do facial every two months.

   3. We can use every in front of almost, nearly, practically, etc. 
  •      She has done almost every work. 
  •      Nearly every orange in the bag was rotten. 
  •       Practically every house at the Lincon Street was on sell.
  4 . Every is useful in large number.
  •   Every sentence has verb. 
  •  He reads every book in the library.
  • Every student must be present. 

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Each, Each of

Each is a determiner and used before a singular noun.
For example
Each class is important.
Each apartment has living room.
Each student got book.
Each person has different problems.

Each of 
Each can also be used with plural nouns and pronoun,but must be followed by of. OR you also use each of in front of plural noun or pronoun.

Each of the students is responsible.
Each of the blogs has their own significant.
Each of the dresses has been ironed.
Each of them is ready for presentation.
Each of us was in the meeting.

Each with verb
-refers as a subject.
-each goes before verb
- each goes in between to be  (auxiliary verb )verb

The three students each got one laptop
The five teachers each gets twenty-five minutes.
The level one students have each been presented.

Each in negative clause 
Not this: Each participate do not agree to build  building.
But this: None of the participate agree to build building.

Not this:  Each of the boys did not enjoy basketball.
But this: None of the boys enjoy basketball.
But this: None of them are foreigner.
But this: None of these application is useful.
Don't say almost each, nearly each , but you can say almost every, nearly every.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

How to use since and for

For = Length and duration of time. 

  • for  seven days.
  • for ages.
  • for a week.
  • for a long time.
  • for five years.
  •  for several years.

I have lived here for ten years.
They have been  in New York for  five years.
I have known him for a long times.

Since = Point of time

  • Since Sunday 
  • Since the last month.
  • Since the day I enrolled here.
  • Since we felt in love.
  • Since noon.
  • Since the beginning.
  • Since my birthday
I have learned English for two years.
I have learned English since 2013.

Note: for can use all tenses and since can use only perfect tenses
I stayed with my sister for three years.
Reena will come here for half an hour. 

Monday, January 19, 2015

Vocabulary about Eye

Verb about Eye

  • Blink= open and close both eyes
  • Gaze= you are in different world
  • Wink= blink one eye
  • Stair = long look
  • Glare 
  • Glance = quick look
  • Peep = little look

Human Sounds

  1. Sneeze 
  2. Giggle
  3. Laugh 
  4. Puff
  5. Burp 
  6. Cough
  7. Hum
  8. Hiccup
  9. pant
  10. Scream 
  11. Snore
  12. Sigh
  13. Whisper
  14. Yarn
  15. Slurp
  16. Sniff
  17. Groan
  18. Chew
  19. lick 
  20. whistle 
  21. Blow
  22. Suck
  23. Breath in 
  24. Breath out  

How to use "Good" and "Well"

Good is an adjective which describe about  noun.

For example:
He is a good teacher.
I am good at cooking.
I am good.

Well is an adverb that describe about  verb.

For example:
 My brother speaks well.
Anita works well.
I cook well.
They lunch a program well.
I am doing well.
I don't feel well.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Apostrophes (')

Apostrophes have two basic uses in English. They point out either a possession or a  Contraction.

Possession:  In possession apostrophes comes after the letters.
 For example:  father's
                         the girl's pencils ( one boy has more pencils)
                        friend's  house
In plural words end with s  so we have to add only apostrophes at the end of words.
For example: the girls' pencils(several girls have one or more                                                               pencils  )
                        companies' mascot
                        friends' house
Contractions: Use of apostrophes in contractions
For example:  He's=  he is or he has
                        you're = you are
                        I'm= I am
                        we'd= we would or we had
                        They've= they have

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

would like, like, look like, look

Look is a verb that explain the appearance of someone or something. It comes with adjective to describe someone's emotions.
For example: 

You look happy.
she looks excited.
Krishna looks bored.

Note: do, does: don't, doesn't for negative and questions.

You don't look interested.
She doesn't look annoying.

Does he look sad, don't he?
Don't they look very happy?

"Look like" talks about physical similarity with another person .
I look like my father.
He looks like his younger brother.
My younger sister doesn't look like my parents.
Do you look like your sister?

Would like (want) indicate specific request.
I would like a glass of water.
He would like a new carpet.
would you like some pencils?
They wouldn't like any paper.
would you like to take appetizer at first?
what would you like to do today?
Where would they like to meet frequently?


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Telephone Language

  • Can you repeat that please?
  • Just a minute, I will make a note that.
  • Just a minute, I will be right back.
  • Sorry to keep you waiting. 
  • sorry we were cut off.
  • Hello, I would like to speak Reeta.
  • Hello, you are breaking up, I'll call back.
  • Hello, you are breaking up, can you call back.
  • Could you connect me to Reeta.
  • Yes, she is here, I am trying to connect to Reeta.
  • Can I leave a message. 
  • Could you ask her, call me back.
  • would you like to leave message?
  • I'm afraid she/he is not available at the moment.
  • can I have extension 345? (extensions are internal numbers at a company or institution)
    Introducing yourself:

This is Reeta. (you have say your name)
Reena speaking.

Asking who is on the telephone

Excuse me, who is this?
Can I ask who is calling, please?

Monday, January 12, 2015

Adjective end with -ed and -ing

Adjectives end with ed and ing 

ed adjectives
adjectives which end in -ed describes our feelings about someone of somethings.

ing adjectives
adjectives which end in - ing describe how someone or something has an effect on us.

  • bored/ boring   = bore (verb) 
  • annoyed/ annoying = annoy 
  • shocked/ shocking = shock 
  • confused/ confusing = confuse 
  • excited / exciting = excite
  • exhausted/exhausting = exhaust 
  • frightened/ frightening = frighten
  • surprised/ surprising = surprise
  • satisfied/satisfying =satisfy 
  • interested / interesting= interest
  • tired/tiring = tire 
  • frustrated/ frustrating= frustrate 
  • fascinated/ fascinating= fascinate
  • embarrassed/ embarrassing= embarrass  
  • disappointed/ disappointing= disappoint
  • depressed/depressing= depress
  • terrified/ terrifying= terrify   
  • amazed/amazing =amaze
  • amused/amusing= amuse 
  • puzzled/puzzling= puzzle
  • promised/promising= promises
  • relaxed/relaxing=relax 

For example with complete sentence:
  1. I am interested in this drama.
  2. This drama is interesting.
  3. I will be very surprised, if she wins the first prize.
  4. The fuggy weather is so depressing. 

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Imperative Sentence

Imperative sentence is a type of sentence that expresses a request or command or gives advice(Instructions).

Verb used to:

  1. give warning 
  2. make request (we can add please) : .
  3. give advice 
  4. give order or command 
  5. invite someone
  6. give directions and instructions 

Forms of Imperative Sentence:

  1. Affirmative : Base form of verb (Make your own note. )
  2. Negative: Don't + base form of verb.(Don't go out.)

Word Meaning
Imperative (adj) = extremely urgent or important; essential. Example: It"s imperative to know your right in such critical condition.

Imperative (noun) = a imperative organization or leadership.

Imperatively (adverb)

Imperativeness (noun)


  • Stand up!            
  • Sit down!
  • Open the door!
  • Open your mouth!
  • Chew your food slowly.
  • Clean your room.
  • Take your pen.
  • Turn on the light.
  • Write your name on my note.
  • Feed the dog tomorrow.
  • Please open the door.
  • Watch out!
  • Don't eat too much rice.
  • Keep clam.
  • Leave your book.
  • Please be quiet.
  • Don't work at night.
  • Go to school.
  • come to Chicago.
  • Go to bed, now!